Adult Bingo Night 3/5
March 5 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
FreeA night of numbers! Participants will be provided with large bingo sheets and markers, and each table will be set up with voice output buttons to assist as needed. The lead will call out the numbers, which will be shown as well. While seated, participants will have access to various fidgets and movement adapted seated to assist with focusing and engagement. There will be a movement break during the program, and an optional secondary activity if participants are interested in a change of topic.
Adult Bingo Night 3/5
A night of numbers! Participants will be provided with large bingo sheets and markers, and each table will be set up with voice output buttons to assist as needed. The lead will call out the numbers, which will be shown as well. While seated, participants will have access to various fidgets and movement adapted seated to assist with focusing and engagement. There will be a movement break during the program, and an optional secondary activity if participants are interested in a change of topic.